Monday, September 20, 2010

Michelle Rhee: End of the Road?

Rhee is likely to head for the door

By Bill Turque
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Washington Post

Their long-awaited meeting is set for next week. But when Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee and mayor-apparent Vincent C. Gray do finally sit down, it is increasingly likely that the discussion will focus on the terms of her disengagement from the D.C. school system rather than how she might stay.

Rhee moved her departure closer to certainty Wednesday night with an A-list audience at the Newseum after the red-carpet premiere of "Waiting for 'Superman,'" the documentary that casts her as a tart-tongued heroine of the national education reform movement. At a panel discussion that followed the film, Rhee portrayed Gray's Democratic primary victory over Mayor Adrian M. Fenty on Tuesday as a catastrophe.

"Yesterday's election results were devastating, devastating," Rhee said. "Not for me, because I'll be fine, and not even for Fenty, because he'll be fine, but devastating for the schoolchildren of Washington, D.C." Gray campaign spokeswoman Traci Hughes said in a statement Thursday that it was "unfortunate that the children have been thrown into the middle of the political fray."
Find the complete story on Washington

Here's a preview of the upcoming film "Waiting for Superman" on school reform by the director of "An Inconvenient Truth.

Read "How Rhee Tackles Class Room Challenge" by Amanda Ripley, Nov 2008 - Time Magazine

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