Saturday, March 28, 2009


It's that time again already -- Joshua Tree 2009 Photographic Excursion sponsored by UCR ARTSblock. Participant's in this year's photo project will collaborate to produce a mammoth virtual image of the desert's mountains, valleys, hills, vegetation, and wildlife. Photographers should bring or will be supplied with GPS devices to chart their land coordinates in the park. 
This should also be a cool weekend as its a full moon, great for night photography. Submitted images will be collaged into a mega zoom-able photograph of Joshua Tree, complete with annotations -- accessible byway of the Internet and an on-site California Museum of Photography exhibition. Registration has already begun. Deadline April 1 for workshops, April 15 for joining the project in JT. Orientation sessions will take place in Los Angeles and Riverside during the third week in April. Stay tuned! 
This year there will be three related activities. 
For Images of the Desert Palm Springs photo collector David Knaus will host at his home a private viewing of desert photography from his own collection. Knaus and Colin Westerbeck, Director of UCR CMP, will discuss the prints selected, which range from the 19th century to the present. Friday, May 8, 4pm. Limited to 25. Phone rsvp required.
The Nocturne Photo Workshop allows photographers to get tips on taking shots in the dark. Participants should bring along their film and digital cameras. Friday, May 8, 7pm. Free - Location: TBA
A gathering of artists will meet at the Tumbleweed Photo Gallery in Yucca Valley to celebrate the closing of this 1st Annual Morongo Basin Photographic Show. Saturday, May 9th, 3pm. 57490 Palms Highway, Yucca Valley
For info, download the flyer at, or call: 951.827.4796  email:

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