Saturday, March 28, 2009

Early Processes

UCR ARTSblock is joining with other downtown Riverside arts organizations to present First Sunday - Family Fun Days each month. On Sunday, April 5, 1:00-4:00pm, there will be a hands-on activity entitled Kineographs: Flipbook Animations.  Here's the description: "Photographs can exist as more than still, stand-alone images. They can work together as a sequence to create animated scenes. Join us this Sunday as participants create moving picture flipbooks also known as kineographs." This is a project for all ages. Free - UCR California Museum of Photography, 3824 Main Street, Riverside
On Sunday, May 3, 1:00-4:00pm the theme is Sunprints. "Early photographic pioneer William Henry Fox Talbot considered himself a failed artist. He sought a process to fix nature's beauty in a technical way, rather than by drawing.  Join us as participants create light-based drawings or photo-graphs using the sun's rays on chemically-treated paper. Free and open to the public. For info email:

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