Monday, February 14, 2011

Gamings No Joke

Training THE NEXT GENeration

This landmark report sets out how the UK can be transformed into the world’s leading talent hub for video games and visual effects.
At over £2 billion in global sales, the UK’s video games sector is bigger than either its film or music industries, and visual effects, the fastest growing component of the UK’s film industry, grew at an explosive 16.8 per cent between 2006 and 2008. High-tech, knowledge-intensive sectors and, in the case of video games, major generators of intellectual property, these industries have all the attributes the UK needs to succeed in the 21st century.
Yet, the sad truth is that we are already starting to lose our cutting edge: in just two years, it seems the UK’s video games industry has dipped from third to sixth place in the global development rankings.
For the full education plan or more on INNOVATION IN THE UK, see NESTA website.

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