Thursday, July 16, 2009

Video Conferencing


Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology
Melbourne 26-29 November 2009

Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology.The next iteration of the Media Art History conference is Re:live which is to be held in Melbourne, Victoria in 2009. The event follows the success of the two previous Media Art History conferences, re:fresh (Banff 2005) and re:place (Berlin 2007). The conference series is an initiative of Leonardo/ISAST (International Society for Art, Science and Technology) whose International Advisory Committee will publicise the event and referee papers. 

Australia provides an excellent geographic, geopolitical and geocultural space for hosting this conference. It connects regionally with both Asian and Pacific cultures and the ongoing exchange of media arts between, northern and southern hemispheres. Sponsored by Leonardo and the Victorian College of the Arts (University of Melbourne)

Following the success of Media Art History 05 Re:fresh in Banff and Media Art History 07 Re:place in Berlin, Media Art History 09 Re:live in Melbourne will host three days of keynotes, panels and poster sessions Media Art History 09 - Re:live, a refereed conference, is calling for papers, panels and posters on the histories of digital, electronic and technological media arts. With the theme of Re:live we are especially interested in expanding the range of topics to include sustainability, live arts and the technological arts of life, both organic and nonorganic.

How do the media arts change? Through innovation, accident, discovery, mutation or crisis? How did contemporary media arts come to look and sound like they do? What options and potentialities and eccentricities in the history of media have been lost or overlooked or suppressed? What hopes have been realised and which dashed? What is the history of speculation on alternate histories, and how have they altered the course of media art history? 

Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology
Melbourne 26-29 November 2009

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