Monday, January 21, 2008

Buck World

I had a chance on Sunday 1/20 to check out a great performance of "krump" dancing at UC Riverside's University Theater, BUCK WORLD One. The program was created by Professor of Theater Rickerby Hinds, featuring a number of youth from around San Bernardino county. The theme ran from creation of the universe through to life on the streets for youth African-American men. Though they weren't dancers, young Black women played major parts as narrators and interpretors of the urban scene. The sets were sparse with mood and environment communicated through lighting and video projections above. This allowed the energy and power of "getting buck" to come through in stellar individual and group performances, spotlighting men as slave cargo, in the back of police cars, as fodder for gang warfare. If you have a chance to check out BUCK WORLD during its college tour, it will renew your faith, both in youth and also in theater. If not, here's a review from the Riverside Press-Enterprise.

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