Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Puerto Rico Student Strike

'NiLP FYI: University of Puerto Rico Student Strike'

Having recently become personally affected by the sagging global economy, I noticed this bit on students in Puerto Rico taking to the streets to protect their access to quality education.

Excerpt from Miami Herald: In an interview with The Miami Herald, university President José Ramón de la Torre and Board of Trustees president Ygri Rivera insisted that the strike did not have popular support. In an apparent reference to labor unions, Rivera said ``radical forces'' that seek to destabilize the university, are manipulating vulnerable students.

``This is not a strike,'' de la Torre said. ``A strike is an action by recognized protesters against an employer. This is a stoppage by students, where they went overboard. This whole thing has been unnecessary.'' The controversy began because 30 percent of UPR's 62,000 students get talent-based tuition waivers, but there was no established standard for distributing them

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/05/23/v-fullstory/1644735/student-strike-in-puerto-rico.html#ixzz0oxP3bwFz

Monday, May 3, 2010

Flora and other plantlife

It was great to meet artist Flora Kao recently. She led a workshop for teens as part of the OFF THE BLOCK program sponsored by The Hearst Foundations and supported by UC Riverside Gluck Fellows Program of the Arts. Great time had by all. Flora led the students through a history of mapping in various societies, then proceeded to guide them in producing personal maps -- hybrid drawings that combined information from the desert of Joshua Tree and autobiography.

Check out her gallery work:

Flora Kao, Opening May 7, 6-9pm 825 N La Cienega Blvd, West Hollywood, CA. The show is entitled "DRIFT" where she is suspending one thousand plants in the air...