Monday, October 19, 2009

Art Types

On Friday October 2, and Monday October 5, New York-based artist Keliy Anderson-Staley created original tintype portraits of Riverside residents. Each subject sat for 8-15 seconds while the lens cap was removed from Staley's 19th century replica box camera. 

She then removed the plate and developed it inside a re-fashioned cardboard box darkroom. Each print first emerged as a solar negative then slowly transformed into its contrast positive state. It was bit magical, even for the photo savants and digirati. You can see the entire collection of works on her website: 

Keliy Anderson-Staley's dual exhibitions "-Americans" featuring more tintypes, and "Off the Grid" looking at the communities and communes that choose to live without water and electricity, borne of alternative visions and philosophies -- are on view through December at UCR California Museum of Photography. For info see: