Sunday, July 27, 2008


YO > Youth Media Showcase celebrates the stories, images, and graphic design work of talented teens within the IE who use their digital media art to make their communities come alive.

Event I: ARTSWalk Thursday, August 7th 6:00 - 8:00pm @ UCR/CMP, Main St at University Ave, downtown Riverside.
Event II: How I See It Saturday, August 16th, 1:00 - 3:00pm @ Riverside Public Library, Mission Inn Ave at Orange St, Riverside.

These projects, produced during the 2007-08 year, were sponsored by California State Library, Project BRIDGE, Califa, Eyebeam, Adobe Systems, O1SJ Festival, Human Rights Watch Film Festival, California Council for the Humanities, Gluck Foundation, Poly HS, JW North HS, Summit HS, and UCR CHASS. Download the invite > here< . For more info, check out the UCR ARTSblock website:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Home & the World

Micro-Macro a new photo contest sponsored by the UCR ARTSblock Digital Studio Gallery has been announced.

"In this time of ours, things at once seem paradoxically out of control and out of reach, yet equally knowable, touchable, and observable. For this contest, we are hoping that the unique vision provided by the camera lens can bring specific meaning to this metaphor. We are seeking works by photographers who use the camera to capture what is near or far, documenting reality or constructing fictions, at the point of extreme. It is expected that some artists will achieve this outcome using a camera lens and someone else by using computer technique."

Deadline for entries is Friday August 15th, with winners announced on August 22nd. An exhibition of the 24 selected finalists will open on Thursday September 4th, @ 6pm at UCR California Museum of Photography. For more information, email: or call the ARTSblock Ed office at: 951.827.4796.

Riverside's History

Located just behind UCR Sweeney Art Gallery and California Museum of Photography is Riverside's original Chinatown established in the early 1880s. When the thriving bachelor community was forced out of downtown due to anti-immigrant sentiment, they eventually migrated west to a site on Brockton and Tequesquite Avenues. This location was excavated in 1985, providing remarkable artifacts as well as opening a window to a key period in Riverside's development. A third, smaller Chinese community was formed away from these sites at Magnolia and Adams. See Asian American Riverside.

Last month, The Grier Pavilion was inaugurated atop the Mayor's Office in downtown Riverside featuring short historical videos on prior residents of Riverside, including Chinatown's George Wong. To learn more, check out the exhibit: A Sense of Place - Remembering Riverside's Chinatowns at Sweeney Art Gallery running in conjunction with Absurb Recreation: New Art from China, July 26 - October 4. Also, on YouTube there are profiles of other important Riverside civil rights luminaries such as Johnny Sotelo, Oscar Medina, Dr. Barnett and Eleanor Jean Grier, Rupert and Jeannette Costo, among others.

0101 Youth 0101 Media 0101

FIELD TRIP!!! UCR Digital Studio mural crew took a trip to San Jose, June 5-7 to take part in the 01SJ Festival at The Tech Museum and surrounding arts sites, featuring new media works by established artists and emerging teens, sponsored by a micro-grant from Eyebeam and Adobe Systems. Students took in street festivals, art galleries, and special digital works by their peers. San Jose was a blast and the drive home down the scenic Hwy1 was also the ticket. Check out our pix on Flickr.