Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Emerging Artists

Students from the University of Redlands digital photo and black & white film courses are presenting the best of their work in a year-end show at the Digital Studio Gallery of UCR/CMP entitled SELECTIONS. The courses were taught and the exhibition curated by Brit photographer Terry Long. Works in Selections follow personal themes as well as showcase commercial skills. The exhibition is on view from March 24 - May 30th. (www.artsblock.ucr.edu) Works here by Laura Argonza and Kiesten Kranberg.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hollywood Swingers

List of Curators 2008


Magali Arriola
is an art critic and independent curator sharing her time between Mexico City, Istanbul and the Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art in San Francisco.
Muu Blanco
has been producing works that highlight performative multimedia arts since the mid Œ90s.
Suhjung Hur
is a curator and writer based in Seoul, Korea.
Antonio Pasolini
is a Brazilian film writer and video maker based in London as well as the editor of kamera.co.uk.
Jennifer Teets
is an independent curator.

Ciara Ennis
(M.A., Royal College of Art, London, UK), is the Director/Curator, Pitzer Art Galleries at Pitzer College.
Kenneth Rogers
has taught history of photography, experimental film, video art, and new media at New York University and UC Riverside and is the co-founder of Chatham Arts, a new exhibition space in Pittsburgh, PA.
Chris Scoates
, Executive Director of CSULB University Art Museum, has focused on a wide variety of genres, artists and issues.
Thenmozhi Soundararajan
, Executive Director of Third World Majority is a filmmaker, singer, grassroots media organizer, and second generation Tamil Untouchable Dalit woman striving for forums to widen their base of resistance.
Reggie Woolery
, a visual artist and writer, is currently Curator of Education for the University of Riverside California Museum of Photography on ARTSblock.
Anne Bray
is an artist, teacher and founding director of Freewaves, a media arts organization and biennial festival in Los Angeles.

Selected festival works in Hollywould... will be installed in LA's urban hall of mirrors as well as screening rooms, art centers, stores, vacant walls – intersecting with audiences where they live, recreate and shop.

Youth Voices

Based on the theories of Muhammad Yunus (Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty, 1999) and with the generous support of Adobe Systems, Inc., ZERO1 is seizing the opportunity of the 2nd Biennial 01SJ Festival to facilitate a global youth digital arts production initiative via a micro-grant program. This project will fund 19 different international artists, arts collectives and established non-profit arts organizations and institutions to support the creation of new work by young digital artists (ages 11- 21 years) during the months leading up to the 01SJ Festival. “Youth International” will culminate in an exhibition at the Tech Museum of Innovation during the 01SJ Festival in June 2008, featuring the work generated by the youth, as well as the stories and process of each of the groups in receipt of their micro-grants.

This year UCR/CMP Digital Studio has been working with six teens from Riverside and affiliated with gang interventionists Project B.R.I.D.G.E. to produce digital murals. In November, the students travelled to LA and Crewest Gallery to check out panel discussions and work by ground-breaking muralists from the 1970s and 80s. They then set about documenting their community, scanning, and assembling. The final works, supported by a micro-grant from Eyebeam.org will show at O1SJ Festival in San Jose at the Youth Voices exhibition, June 7th.